首页> 中文期刊> 《铀矿冶》 >某离子型稀土矿山辐射水平现状调查




对南方某稀土矿山建矿前空气中Rn-222及其子体、γ辐射贯穿剂量率、地表水、地下水、土壤、生物样、底泥等放射性水平进行了监测与分析.结果表明:稀土矿区土壤以及地表水底泥核素浓度相对偏高,超出该地区本底值较多;γ辐射贯穿剂量率背景值受稀土矿影响较小,背景值与该地区本底值上限相差不大;室外Rn-222及其子体浓度、地表水、地下水、生物样放射性核素浓度位于该地区本底值范围内.在后续的开发利用过程中,矿山企业应强化环境保护意识,建立健全环境管理及监测计划,及时有效监控周围地区环境质量的变化,接受环境监管部门的监督,保障环境和公众安全.%In order to obtain the present radioactivity situation of ion adsorption type RE ores,survey was carried out by radioactivity measurement on Rn-222 and its progeny,gamma radiation dose rate,surface water,ground water,soil,biological sample,bottom sediment.The results indicate that radi-oactivity level of soil and bottom sediment is higher than local background level.Gamma radiation dose rate level has little relationship with RE ores,which is quite similar with the maximum value of local background.In addition,radioactivity level of Rn-222 and its progeny,surface water,ground water,biological sample is within the local background level.Therefore,it is essential for mining en-terprise to strengthen environmental awareness,improve environmental management scheme,monitor environmental quality change effectively and comply with authority regulation in order to ensure envi-ronment and public safety.



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