首页> 中文期刊> 《天津大学学报:英文版》 >Non-Isothermal Desolvation Kinetics of Erythromycin A Acetone Solvate

Non-Isothermal Desolvation Kinetics of Erythromycin A Acetone Solvate



The desolvation of erythromycin acetone solvate was investigated under non-isothermal conditions bya thermogravimetric analyzer. This paper emphasized the kinetic analysis of non-isothermal TG-DTA data by Achar method and Coats-Redfern method to fit various solid-state reaction models, and to achieve kinetic parameters of desolvation. The mechanism of thermal desolvation was evaluated using the kinetic compensation effect. The results show that kinetics of desolvation of erythromycin acetone solvate was compatible with the mechanism of a two-dimensional diffusion controlled and was best expressed by Valensi equation. Corresponding to the integral method and the differential method, the activation energy of desolvation of erythromycin acetone solvate was estimated to be 51.26—57.11 kJ/mol, and the pre-exponential factor was 8.077×106 s-1—4.326×107 s-1, respectively.




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