首页> 中文期刊> 《中国有色金属学报(英文版)》 >TiB2颗粒在楔形铜模铸锭中的分布以及吞噬行为




Wedge-shaped copper casting experiment was conducted to study the engulfment behavior of TiB2 particle and the interaction between particle or cluster and the solid/liquid front in commercial pure aluminum matrix. The experimental results show that the particle size distribution obeys two separate systems in the whole wedge-cast sample. Furthermore, it is found that the big clusters are pushed to the center of the wedge shaped sample and the single particle or small clusters consisting of few particles are engulfed into theα-Al in the area of the sample edge. The cluster degree of particles varies in different areas, and its value is 0.2 and 0.6 for the cluster fraction in the edge and in the center of the wedge sample, respectively. The cluster diameter does not obey the normal distribution but approximately obeys lognormal distribution in the present work. More importantly, in the whole sample, the particle size obeys two separate log-normal distributions.%通过楔形铜模铸造实验研究工业纯铝基体中 TiB2颗粒的推移吞噬行为和颗粒或团聚体与液/固界面前沿之间的作用。实验结果表明:在整个楔形试样中,颗粒或团聚体的尺寸分别服从2个独立的分布,团簇被推移到楔形试样的中间区域,而单独的颗粒或小的团簇被楔形试样的边缘吞噬。在楔形试样的不同区域颗粒的团聚程度不同,在试样的边缘和中间区域,颗粒的团聚因子分别为0.2和0.6。颗粒的直径并不服从一般的正态分布,而是基本服从对数正态分布。更重要的是,在整个试样中,颗粒或团簇尺寸服从2个对数正态分布。



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