首页> 中文期刊> 《农业工程学报》 >稻茬田小麦宽幅精量少耕播种机的设计与试验




Lacking of suitable machinery and heavy blocking are the major constraints for directly drilling wheat seed in rice stubble field due to the heavy straw load and heavy soil in rice-wheat cropping system in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River region. Therefore, most farmers are reluctant to plant wheat in winter and a large number of croplands are idled. In order to solve the blocking problem in rice-wheat cropping system in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River region, in view of meeting the agronomic requirements of opening ditch and reducing soil adhesion when sowing wheat in rice stubble field, a new anti-blocking method was proposed, which combined “seed-fertilizer-seed” broad width and precision planting mode with strip rotary tillage, and a broad width and precision minimal-tillage wheat planter was developed, which integrated the strip rotary tillage and broad width and precision seeding functions, and could finish ditch opening, strip rotary tillage, side deep fertilizing, broad width and precision seeding, and covering and compacting soil in the same run. Besides, the design and optimization for the key components were done, including double-wing ditch opener, double-shaft spiral indent roller seed-metering device and floating covering scraper. The stubbles among seed-fertilizer belts were cut and mixed with soil, and double-wing ditch openers dug the drainage ditch at the same time. The mean width of seed-fertilizer belts was 338 mm, in which 2 rows of seed and one row of fertilizer were set. The floating covering scraper was little wider than the seed-fertilizer belt, and when covering seeds and compacting soil in seed-fertilizer belts, it made ensure that there was good contact between seeds and soil. To evaluate the technology and the planter, laboratory experiments were conducted in Engineering College of China Agricultural University and field trials were conducted in Tuanfeng, Hubei Province. The laboratory experiments demonstrated that each indent of double-shaft spiral indent roller seed-metering device could only be filled with one grain of wheat seed at most, and the leakage rate of seed filling was 6.25%. The mean width of seeding rows was 74.6 mm, which reached the requirement of wide seeding. The field trials showed that the mean depth and width of ditch that was dug by double-wing ditch opener, were 175 and 238 mm respectively, which met the requirement of drainage. The mean sowing depth was 39 mm, and the qualified rate of sowing depth was 86.7%; the mean fertilizing depth was 81 mm, and the qualified rate of fertilizing depth reached 93.3%. Both of them met the requirements of national standard. When using the floating covering scraper to cover and compact soil, the soil adhesion was reduced by 48.34% compared with general press wheel. The slipping ratio of land wheel was 7.8%, and the blocking problem did not happen while the planter was working. The broad width and precision minimal-tillage wheat planter offers a new method of drilling wheat seed in rice stubble field, which can reduce blockage caused by the heavy rice stubble and decrease soil adhesion, and meets the requirements of opening ditch and broad width and precision seeding at the same time.%为解决长江中下游稻麦轮作区稻茬田免耕播种小麦机具堵塞及土壤黏附严重等问题,结合当地稻茬田播种小麦需要开排水沟的农艺要求,提出了“种-肥-种”宽幅精量播种和带状旋耕相结合的防堵思路,设计了双翼铧式开沟器、宽幅精量排种机构、种沟双圆盘开沟器和浮动覆土板等关键部件,研究设计了一种稻茬田小麦宽幅精量少耕播种机。试验结果表明,宽幅播种方式与带状旋耕相结合较好解决了稻茬田播种小麦堵塞的问题,小麦播幅平均为74.6 mm,平均播深为39 mm,播深合格率为86.7%,施肥方式为侧下方深施肥,平均施肥深度为81 mm,施肥深度合格率为93.3%,均满足国家标准。厢沟平均深度为175 mm,沟面宽度为238 mm,满足排水要求。该研究为应用于稻麦轮作区稻茬田小麦少免耕播种机的设计提供了参考。



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