首页> 中文期刊> 《电工技术学报》 >基于成本和效益分析的并网光储微网系统电源规划




随着微网的迅速发展,电源规划对微网的建设具有重要指导意义。针对并网光储微网系统电源规划问题,提出基于成本和效益分析的并网微网系统电源规划方法。在考虑光伏补贴政策与两部制用户分时电价基础上,根据成本和效益分析理论,建立以生命周期净收益最大为目标的微网电源规划模型,分别采用粒子群算法、人工鱼群算法与量子遗传算法对模型进行求解。通过对上海某地区实际负荷数据仿真分析,给出该地区并网光储微网系统的电源规划结果及其经济效益,以及三种算法的对比结果。仿真结果表明粒子群算法在该微网电源规划模型求解中具有优越性。%With the rapid development of micro-grid, the generation planning has an important guiding significance for micro-grid construction. This paper proposes a micro-grid generation planning method for grid-connected micro-grid system with photovoltaic (PV) and battery energy system, based on the cost/benefit analysis theory. A micro-grid generation planning model with the goal of maximum lifecycle net profit is established in this paper, considering PV subsidy policy and two-part time-sharing electricity price. Three algorithms including particle swarm (PS) algorithm, AFSA and quantum genetic algorithm are used to solve the model. Thanks to the simulation test based on the real data in Shanghai, the planning results and the economic benefits of the micro-grid system are obtained by three optimal algorithms. The simulation results show the PS algorithm has advantages in solving the generation planning model of micro-grid.



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