首页> 中文期刊>钛工业进展 >航空航天用 TA18钛合金管材的研发及应用

航空航天用 TA18钛合金管材的研发及应用



简要介绍了TA18管材在国内外的研究发展和应用现状,分析了我国与国外在该管材研制技术、标准制定及应用方面的差距。美国在航空用TA18钛合金管材方面已有一系列标准,并不断加以修订、完善,且有成熟的生产技术,在航空航天领域广泛应用。我国中强级TA18钛合金管材已有应用,而高强级TA18钛合金管材的应用尚属空白。通过近几年的研究,国内高强级TA18管材的研制已经取得重大突破,有望在2~3年内实现国产化。%Research and application status of TA 18 titanium alloy tube in aerospace industry at home and abroad was reviewed in this paper .And some gap between domistic and foreign countries in research techniques , standards and application of the tube was concluded .In the United States , there are mature technology and a series of aerospace standards of TA18 titanium alloy tube, and the TA18 titanium alloy tubes have been widely used in aerospace .On the other hand, in China, the annealed TA18 titanium alloy tubes have been used , but the use of the relieved-stress TA18 titanium alloy tubes is currently blank .With the amazing achievement of research , the relieved-stress TA18 titanium alloy tube will be used in two or three years .



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