首页> 中文期刊>系统工程与电子技术 >无线传感器网络中基于网络编码的数据采集算法




为保证无线传感器网络数据的可获取性,提出一种基于网络编码的数据快速采集新算法.该算法根据最大距离可分码[n,k]生成矩阵中任意k个列向量线性无关的性质,借助网络编码信息线性组合的方法,将[n,k]生成矩阵的列向量分配给传感器网络的n个节点,作为其全局编码向量.传感器节点利用其分配到的全局编码向量,对收到的包含k个数据的环境信息进行线性编码,并将得到的码字存储于传感器节点中.基站进行数据采集时,只需随机采集k个节点存储的码字,即可根据任意k个节点全局编码向量的线性无关性译出环境信息,实现无线传感器网络快速有效地数据采集.%In order to ensure data availability in wireless sensor networks, a new algorithm to collect data fast is proposed based on network coding. More specifically, according to any κ column vectors of the generator matrix of a [n,κ] maximum distance separable (MDS) code are linearly independent, the column vectors are allocated as the global coding vectors of the n nodes in sensor networks. Sensor nodes receive the surrounding information, which consists of κ data and is encoded with their global coding vectors linearly. The obtained codes are stored in sensor nodes. To complete the data collection, the base station collects the codes of any κ nodes and achieves the surrounding information by using the characteristic that the global coding vectors of any κ nodes are linearly independent.



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