首页> 外文期刊>教育理论综述(英文) >Effectiveness of Integrating Innovative Quality Cultivation into Higher Vocational Mathematics Teaching

Effectiveness of Integrating Innovative Quality Cultivation into Higher Vocational Mathematics Teaching


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Mathematics teaching is the foundation and focus of higher vocational education.However,there are still a series of problems in the mathematics education of higher vocational colleges in China,such as students’enthusiasm for mathematics learning remain to be improved,and teachers still practice traditional teaching methods[1].In order to effectively improve this situation,it is necessary to reform the teaching of mathematics courses in higher vocational colleges,integrate the content of innovation quality cultivation,and implement scientific and reasonable teaching methods to achieve the effectiveness of mathematics teaching in higher vocational colleges.This paper mainly studies the effectiveness of cultivating innovative quality in the higher vocational mathematics teaching,with the hope to improve the overall quality of mathematics teaching.
机译:Mathematics teaching is the foundation and focus of higher vocational education.However,there are still a series of problems in the mathematics education of higher vocational colleges in China,such as students’enthusiasm for mathematics learning remain to be improved,and teachers still practice traditional teaching methods[1].In order to effectively improve this situation,it is necessary to reform the teaching of mathematics courses in higher vocational colleges,integrate the content of innovation quality cultivation,and implement scientific and reasonable teaching methods to achieve the effectiveness of mathematics teaching in higher vocational colleges.This paper mainly studies the effectiveness of cultivating innovative quality in the higher vocational mathematics teaching,with the hope to improve the overall quality of mathematics teaching.




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