首页> 外文期刊>教育理论综述(英文) >Practice Teaching Reform of Mechanical Design and Manufacture and Its Automation Specialty under Transformation and Development

Practice Teaching Reform of Mechanical Design and Manufacture and Its Automation Specialty under Transformation and Development


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With the development of the times, undergraduate colleges and universities begin to transform and develop to adapt to the changing society, and put forward new requirements for practical teaching strategies, especially for applied undergraduate colleges. The reform of practical teaching is particularly important. Under the development of education transformation, the reform of mechanical design and manufacture and the practice teaching of automation specialty also occupy a very important position. Through the understanding of the reform of the practical teaching of this specialty, the effect of the reform is observed, and a reasonable teaching scheme is put forward to promote the steps of the transformation of the practical teaching.
机译:With the development of the times, undergraduate colleges and universities begin to transform and develop to adapt to the changing society, and put forward new requirements for practical teaching strategies, especially for applied undergraduate colleges. The reform of practical teaching is particularly important. Under the development of education transformation, the reform of mechanical design and manufacture and the practice teaching of automation specialty also occupy a very important position. Through the understanding of the reform of the practical teaching of this specialty, the effect of the reform is observed, and a reasonable teaching scheme is put forward to promote the steps of the transformation of the practical teaching.




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