首页> 外文期刊>教育理论综述(英文) >Deepening the Reform of College English Classroom Teaching-Exploration of Hierarchical Teaching in Class——Take Qingdao Huanghai University for Example

Deepening the Reform of College English Classroom Teaching-Exploration of Hierarchical Teaching in Class——Take Qingdao Huanghai University for Example


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In the era of knowledge economy, the key is to cultivate talents with comprehensive quality. It’s known that people’s qualities are identical and different. Only by making full use of people’s differences, can we cultivate outstanding talents who conform to social development. Class hierarchical teaching as a new teaching mode, breaks the traditional class teaching mode, to a certain extent, in line with the requirements of quality education. Based on the college English situation of the students in the school where I’m teaching, this paper attempts to explore the hierarchical teaching of College English in class.
机译:In the era of knowledge economy, the key is to cultivate talents with comprehensive quality. It’s known that people’s qualities are identical and different. Only by making full use of people’s differences, can we cultivate outstanding talents who conform to social development. Class hierarchical teaching as a new teaching mode, breaks the traditional class teaching mode, to a certain extent, in line with the requirements of quality education. Based on the college English situation of the students in the school where I’m teaching, this paper attempts to explore the hierarchical teaching of College English in class.




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