首页> 中文期刊> 《自然科学史研究》 >中国第一台亿次巨型计算机'银河-Ⅰ'研制历程及启示




中国第一台亿次巨型计算机是国防科技大学计算机研究所于1978~1983年研制成功的"银河-Ⅰ",在国防建设和国民经济发展中发挥重要作用.中国从此成为世界上少数几个能够研制巨型计算机的国家之一.本文通过发掘研制单位原始档案资料,采访相关人员,对比中美巨型机研究,还原银河-Ⅰ的研制历程,分析其技术创新,总结其经验教训,对当下军民深度融合的科技创新路径和高校自主创新科技成果转化等具有一定现实意义和启示.%The first Chinese supercomputer capable of 100 million calculations per second was"YH-1", which was designed and made by the Institute of Computer Science, National University of Defense Technology in the period 1978~1983."YH-1"played an important role in China's national defense construction and economic development, making China one of the few countries in the world to successfully develop supercomputers. Based on original archives, interviews with relevant person-nel, and an analysis of the technological parameters of both supercomputers"YH-1"and"CRAY-1", this paper reviews in detail the historic process of the development of"YH-1", analyzing its in-novation and summing up the experience and lessons learned from it. This analysis is significant for current military-civilian integration, and the commercialization of university research findings in China.



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