首页> 中文期刊> 《航天器工程 》 >遥感数据在自然灾害救助中的应用




According to the needs of Natural Disaster Relief Regulation,this article analyses the application capacity of satellite and aerial remote sensing data in natural disaster relief. Taking Wenchuan earthquake and Yushu earthquake for examples,we apply Quickbird, EROS-B optical satellite data and COSMO-Skymed SAR satellite data and aerial remote sensing data, combined with spatial analysis method, in these natural disasters relief. The applications include disaster re- lief area planning, house collapsed rate assessment, tent dynamic monitoring, disaster resettlement area monitoring and disaster resettlement area monitoring. These products are very important to government making decision of disaster relief. Our researches show that space-based technology including remote sensing can make important contribution to natural disaster relief.%根据《自然灾害救助条例》的自然灾害救助业务需求,分析了卫星遥感和航空遥感在自然灾害救助中的应用能力,利用高分辨率“快鸟”(Quickbird)卫星、地球资源观测卫星一B(EROS—B)的光学数据、“地中海盆地观测小卫星”(COSMO—Skymed)星座的合成孔径雷达数据、航空及无人机的遥感数据,结合空间分析方法,对汶川地震和玉树地震后灾民安置点规划、房屋倒损评估、帐篷动态监测、灾后灾民安置及环境、房屋恢复重建进度等进行了研究,其相关产品为政府提供决策支持信息、制定科学合理的救灾措施发挥了重要作用。



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