首页> 中文期刊> 《南方电网技术》 >基于WAMS的南方电网低频振荡调度应对策略




In China Southern Power Grid, the inter-area low damping oscillations have been eliminated effectively so far, but there are local and generator-induced low frequency oscillations yet. The dispatcher strategy for low frequency oscillations is discussed in this paper, including the early warning and prevention before oscillations and the emergency control of oscillations. The modal parameter identification method using ambient data is used for early warning and prevention of oscillations. The method avoids the dependence on the models and parameters, and with redundant data it can improve the credibility of the results and the damping ratios of both inter-area modes and local modes so to realize the early warning and prevention of critical modes. The oscillation source location method based on oscillation energy is adopted to find the cause of the oscillation, and to locate the oscillation source quickly and reliably, and to give dispatchers the instructions to damp the oscillation. The proposed dispatcher strategy is demonstrated in a real oscillation incident and its validity is verified.%南方电网区域间弱阻尼振荡已得到有效控制,但局部的以及机组原因引发的低频振荡问题仍然突出。探讨了调度运行中应对低频振荡的策略,从振荡前的预警预防和振荡发生后的紧急控制两个方面提出针对性应对措施。采用基于类噪声信号的模态参数辨识方法进行振荡前的预警预防,可摆脱对模型和参数的依赖,利用大量冗余数据提高结果可信度以及在线监视区间模式和局部模式的阻尼比,实现对危险模式的预警预防。采用基于振荡能量的振荡源定位方法进行振荡事故紧急处置,可以在振荡发生后快速准确的找到振荡的起因,定位振荡源,指导调度员采取针对性的措施快速平息振荡。利用实际振荡事故说明了所提调度应对策略的流程,并验证了所提方法的有效性。



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