首页> 中文期刊>土壤 >田间土壤钾素有效性影响因素及其评估




在全球性人口和资源的双重压力下,充分利用土壤有效钾素和科学地施用钾肥,对提高作物产量和保障农业生产可持续发展的意义重大.本文参考已有研究成果并结合自己最近的研究结果,综述了影响农田土壤钾素有效性及其正确评估的若干因素.在影响土壤钾素有效化的众多因素中,土壤黏土矿物类型、黏粒含量及气候水热条件是影响土壤钾素有效性评估的主要因素;耕作措施改变了自然条件下土壤钾库有效钾的数量和土壤钾素的有效转化;土壤有效钾的测定也是客观评价土壤供钾能力的重要环节,进而影响着农田钾素养分管理策略,这一因素在实践中常被忽视.文章最后还提出了今后该领域研究需要开展的主要内容和一些重要方向.%Under the dual pressure of global population growth and resource reduction, making full use of soil available potassium and scientific application of potassium fertilizer are important for increasing crop yield and maintaining sustainable development of agriculture. This article reviewed the factors impacting the effectiveness of potassium and its assessment in farmland. Types of potassium-bearing minerals, clay content in soil, rainfall and temperature are main factors which affect the effectiveness assessment of soil potassium. Cultivation changed the proportion of exchangeable K to non-exchangeable K. Chemical extraction of soil available K. was the other factor which was usually neglected in practice evaluation. The future researches about soil potassium were also suggested based on the achievement of our group and others.



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