首页> 中文期刊> 《微特电机》 >变频调速异步电动机电磁转矩计算方法




针对变频调速异步电动机运行范围广、需要校核点数多的问题,探讨了其电磁转矩和最大转矩的快速、准确计算方法.在比较异步电动机T型、π型、Γ型等效电路的基础上,通过理论分析,归纳并导出了恒磁通π型以及较准确Γ1型、Γ2型、Γ3型等效电路计算模型,并提出了一种计算低频段最大转矩的转差率定步长试探法.通过公式推导和计算实例,分析了变频调速异步电动机在高频轻载、高频重载、低频轻载、低频重载等不同运行工况下各种等效电路计算模型的特点与适用范围,为变频调速异步电动机电磁转矩和最大转矩的快速、准确计算提供了新的思路和解决方案.%To calculate the electromagnetic torque and maximum torque of variable frequency speed control induction motors due to their wide speed ranges and rich working points,the T,tt nd F type equivalent circuit models were compared. Different equivalent circuit models such as the constant flux T, rl, F2 and 13 type were concluded and given by the theoretical analysis. A trial-and-error method of fixed slip step for the maximum torque calculation at the low frequency was proposed. The features and applicable fields for each equivalent circuit models were analyzed from different operating states including high and low frequency, light and heavy load. The results provide a new way to calculate the electromagnetic torque and maximum torque of variable frequency speed control induction motors quickly and accurately.



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