首页> 中文期刊>四川文理学院学报 >曹操家族血源考论




目前学术界关于曹操出身的争论,焦点集中在姓曹还是姓夏侯上面,源自曾氏本家之说存在诸多疑点,而源自夏侯氏证据更充足,从陈寿《三国志》行文体例及裴松之注的多处内容来看此说可以得到证实,曹嵩后代对曹腾的态度也或许可以说明问题,还有,考察曹丕和夏侯氏诸人的特殊关系对认识问题真相也有帮助。封建社会血统决定一切,名不正则言不顺,统治者出于维护正统的政治形象和封建宗法纲常的需要,这是史书没有明确记载曹魏血源的原因。%At present the academic research on Cao Cao' s family origin is focusing on whether his family name is Cao or Xiahou. The argument that his family is Cao has many suspicious points, but the argument that his family name is Xiahou has more proofs, which is proved by the style of History of Three Kingdoms written by Chen Shou and the contents from the notes written by Pei Song. Besides, the attitudes from the descents of Cao Song toward Cao Teng also can somewhat explain it and the special friendship between Cao Pei and peoples of family name Xiahou can help recognize the problem. The blood origin in feudal society decides everything. The historical books did not record the Cao' s family origin for the sake of keeping the orthodox image and feudal moralities.



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