首页> 中文期刊>四川文理学院学报 >论高校转型发展与大学生职业理想的确立




Career aspirations is an important part of graduate career planning,and also a key factor which impact the professional life happiness of college students.College positioning of personnel training and the choice of college students that establish profesG sional ideals have a direct relationship.under the background of the new normal that the development of higher education, the change of Personnel training:concept, mode and method ,is necessary for college students in vocational ideal understanding and choice must be made corresponding change.How to understand the need of society, professional and college students self, as college students thinking about career ideal three basic train of thought, in the new era is also need to understand the new content.%职业理想是大学生职业生涯规划的重要内容,也是影响大学生职业生活幸福感的关键因素。高校的人才培养定位与大学生选择和确立职业理想有直接的关系。在高等教育发展的新常态背景下,人才培养在观念、模式、方法上的变革客观上要求大学生在职业理想的理解和选择上必须要作出相应的转变。如何理解社会需要、职业以及大学生自我,作为大学生思考确立职业理想的三个基本思路,在新时期也有着需要重新理解的新内容。



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