首页> 中文期刊>四川文理学院学报 >“卒于房”之“房”所在考述--读《春秋左传注》发疑一则




《春秋左传》定公五年载“六月,季平子行东野。还,未至,丙申,卒于房。”清代顾炎武始认为“房”通“防”,然无其实指。清高士奇认为此“房”在费县附近,而杨伯峻等认为在曲阜东二十余里。然考其成说,皆相舛谬,不足以互证。据《春秋左传》经、传记载及谭其骧《中国历史地图集》所录,鲁实有数防,东防至少应有三处。按《经》、《传》通例,有学者认为“鲁大夫卒其竟内,则不书地。”也有认为“大夫卒于他国则书国,卒于鲁地则书地。”诚淆然不清。清陈立、钟文烝等依纂例疑此“房”当不属于鲁之国境。然《左氏》歆所传古文经学,其立主分野之说,若以“房”、“心”应之鲁宋分野,或可为一说。《春秋地理考实》卷三认为东野及房皆近费之邑。杨伯峻《春秋左传注》认为鲁有二防,此“房”同于僖公十四年之防,其说相悖。细检诸家所注,或驳正旧说,以教正于方家。%It is recorded in Chun Qiu Zuo Zhuan that in the June of the fifth year of King Ding, Master Jiping went toward Dongye and tended to be back, but died at Fang (房) before he reached home. Gu Yanwu, a scholar in Qing Dynasty, thought the word “房”is the interchangeable word “防”( fang), yet it can not be illuminated. Gao Shiqi, another scholar in Qing Dynasty, thought the place the word“房”refers to is nearby the county Fei, and the contemporary scholar, Yang Bojun, thought it is over 20 kilometers in the east of Qufu county. However, the evidences of their argument show that they can not demonstrate each other and seem to be false. According to the original book Chun Qiu Zuo Zhuan and the notes about it and Chinese History Maps by Tang Qixiang, Lu State had several “防”(Fang) and there was at least three ones in its east. Usually, the classics and the notes about them would write that“the place would not be recorded if a master of Lu State died in his own State.”Another argument is that“if a master died in other State, the name of the State would be recorded, and if he died in his own State, the specific name of the place world be recorded.”The two arguments are confused. The scholars Chen Li and Zhong Wenzheng in Qing Dynasty suspected that the“Fang”(房) should bot be in the field of Lu State. According to the convention of the interpretations to the ancient Chinese proses, Master Zuo insisted the borders of two States, and the “房”(Fang) and the “心”(Xin) were the borders of Lu State and Song State, which seems to be sound. The third Volume of Chun Qiu Geopgraphy argued that Dongye (东野) and Fang (房) were the places nearby County Fei.The Notes of Chun Qiu Zuo Zhuan by Yang Bojun shows that Lu State has two“Fangs”, the“Fang”(房) is the“Fang”(防) of the Fourteenth Year of King Xi of Lu State, which obviously conflicts. The deep and carful researches on the arguments from different schools may be question the old arguments and find a sound answer.



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