首页> 中文期刊>四川文理学院学报 >川陕苏区肃反扩大化中的法制缺失因素略论




The history of Communist Party of China ( CPC) shows that the legal system has an important influence on the construction of Soviet regime in the time of revolution. In the earlier time, the counterrevolutionaries were eliminated according to the laws in Sichuan-Shaancxi Soviet Region and some achievements were reached. However, the campaign broke the law under the influences of the wrong “left-wing”thought by Zhang Guotao and caused a heavy disaster. The laws being destroyed was closely relevant to the enlargement of counterrevolutionaries' elimination. All affairs of CPC and State must be done in the light of laws, which is the lesson learned from the history of CPC.%从法治的角度观察党的历史可以发现,法律制度对革命时期的苏维埃政权建设同样具有十分重要的影响。就川陕苏区肃反运动而言,初期依照肃反法令来开展工作,取得了一定的成效。然而后来受到张国焘“左倾”错误思想的影响,肃反运动的工作程序严重违背了法令条例规定,给苏区造成了沉重的灾难。法制遭到破坏与肃反扩大化紧密相关。党和国家的工作必须纳入法治轨道,这是我们从党史中汲取的深刻教训。



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