首页> 中文期刊>舰船电子工程 >阵元失效对相控阵天线低副瓣的影响分析




Array-element can fail during working usually because of various reasons .Aimming at this question ,the effects of element failure on the side-lobe level of phased array antenna are analyzed based on the model of one-dimension uni-form linear array .And the number and the distribution position of the failed elements are studied .Simulation results show that the side-lobe level will deteriorate slightly when the failed elements are located at the both ends of the array ,but it will deteriorate seriously when the failed elements are located at the middle of the array .For the 24-element uniform linear array with - 30dB side-lobe level ,the probability of the side-lobe level is higher than - 20dB exceeds 90 percents when the number of failed elements is more than 2 .%针对相控阵天线时常发生阵元失效这一问题,以一维均匀直线阵为模型,分析了阵元失效对相控阵天线低副瓣电平的影响,主要考察了失效阵元个数和失效阵元位置这两个要素。计算机仿真结果表明,当失效阵元位于阵列两端位置时,低副瓣电平恶化较轻,而当失效阵元位于阵列中间位置时,低副瓣电平恶化较严重。对于预先设计-30dB 低副瓣电平的24元均匀直线阵,当失效阵元超过2个时,最大副瓣电平大于-20dB 的概率超过0.9。



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