首页> 中文期刊> 《山西林业科技》 >山地丘陵林农立体栽培经济效益分析




在山西省黎城县,对以核桃、花椒、君迁子为林冠的林药、林粮、林经等16种农林复合栽培模式前3年的经济效益进行了统计,并以净现值为指标进行了经济效益评价。结果表明,以花椒为林冠的复合类型投入成本较核桃和君迁子的低,且收入较其它2种的高;林药复合类型总体经济效益高于林粮和林经复合类型;林药复合类型中花椒-板蓝根复合栽培模式的经济效益最好,林粮复合类型中花椒-谷子复合栽培模式的经济效益最好,林经复合类型中核桃-辣椒复合栽培模式的经济效益最好。%Taking agroforestry pattern in Licheng as example ,economic benefit of 16 agroforestry solid culturation patterns which were formed with walnut , Zanthoxylun bungeanum and Diospyros lotus was analyzed in past three years and economic benefit was evaluated with the net present value .The results showed that invested cost were lower in the pattern of Zanthox-ylum bungeagum than the pattern of walnut and Diospyros lotus and its income was higher than the others .The economic benefits were the highest of Zanthoxylum bungeagum-Isatidis Radix in forest-medicinal patterns .The economic benefits of Zanthoxylum bungeagum-Setaria italica ecomonic pattern were the highest in forest-grain patterns .The economic benefits of Walnut capsicum annuum ecomonic pattern were the highest in forest-economic patterns .



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