首页> 中文期刊> 《山东农业科学》 >气温升高与地膜覆盖对河北省棉花熟区划分的影响




利用2000~ 2008年4月21日~10月20日≥10℃积温资料,对河北省棉花熟区进行了重新划分.结果表明:中熟区向北大幅度扩展,中早熟区北移而面积缩小,早熟区向北扩展.通过河北省由南向北三个地区种植不同熟性品种试验发现,在覆膜条件下,同属中熟棉区的冀南应试种中晚熟品种,而冀中应种植中熟品种,作为早熟区的冀东应种植早熟品种.%Based on the local data of ≥10℃ accumulated temperature from April 21st to October 20th from 2000 to 2008, the cotton areas in Hebei Province were regionalized anew according to variety maturity. The results showed that mid - maturity region expanded north greatly; mid - early - maturity region moved north and the area decreased; early - maturity region also expanded north. Different maturity varieties were planted with plastic film mulching in three sites from south to north in Hebei Province, and the results indicated that the mid - late maturity varieties should be planted experimently in south Hebei, while mid maturity varieties should be planted in central Hebei, though they belonged to mid maturity regions. Early maturity varieties should be planted in east Hebei.



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