首页> 中文期刊> 《地震地磁观测与研究》 >江苏省地震台站巡检系统架构




The seismic station is the basic level organization to carry out the seismic observation and earthquake science research. The operation and maintenance of seismic stations are related to the quality and the continuity of seismic data output. Based on TOGAF, a framework of seismic station inspection system to explore the business architecture, data architecture, application architecture, technology architecture and the overall structure of the earthquake station inspection system are presented in this article. The system will provide reference for the information construction of the seismic station inspection.The framework can effectively integrate the existing seismic station inspection system application, greatly reduce the dififculty of information management modeling of seismic stations, and improve the planning and implementation of management information system for seismic station%地震台站是开展地震观测和地震科学研究的基层机构,台站运行和维护关系到地震数据质量.以江苏省地震台站巡检系统为研究对象,提出一种基于TOGAF的地震台站巡检系统架构,探索适合台站巡检的业务构架、数据架构、应用架构和技术架构,并给出地震台站巡检系统总体架构.该架构能够有效整合现有地震台站巡检系统应用,降低地震台站管理信息化建模难度,提高信息化架构规划和实施的可行性.



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