首页> 中文期刊> 《老龄科学研究》 >积极助推“医养结合”养老模式健康发展的政策性探讨--以哈尔滨市“医养结合”养老模式发展现状为例




“医养结合”养老模式的最大特点在于,其打破了目前医疗和养老相分离的状态,同时还开展生活照料、大病康复和临终关怀等相关服务,能够更好地满足老年人对养老和医疗的双重需要。正因如此,使其成为解决当前和今后我国养老问题的重要途径。作为东北老工业基地,哈尔滨市先于国家两年进入老龄社会,其未富先老、未备先老的问题尤为突出。以哈尔滨市“医养结合”养老模式发展现状为背景,深入研究并探讨了制约“医养结合”养老模式发展的根源性因素,进而提出了政策性解决方案。%The biggest characteristic of medical-nursing combined pension mode is to break the current state of health and pension separation, and to carry out the life care, serious illness rehabilitation and hospice care services, to satisfy the elderly to the double need of pension and health care better, and become the important way to solve the problem of the current and future pension in our country. As the northeast old industrial base, Harbin has gone into an aging societytwo years before the country in advance, not rich but aged ifrst, not prepared but aged ifrst are the particularly prominent problems. Take Harbin medical-nursing combined pension mode as the background, the paper further researches and discusses the restriction of current situation of the medical-nursing combined pension mode, and puts forward the policy solutions.



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