首页> 中文期刊> 《科技进步与对策》 >环境规制与企业技术创新研究——基于我国30个省份数据的实证研究




More and more attention is paid to environmental issues which result from economy development. How to deal with the relationship between environmental regulation and economic pattern has become an academic focus. Researchers still have different opinions on the relationship between firm's innovation and environmental regulation. Based on 30 provinces panel data from 2001 to 2009 in China, a model is established to analyze the correlation mechanism between Chinese firm's technological innovation, environmental regulation and other factors. The result shows that the influence of the environmental regulation on enterprise technological innovation is not significant. Comparatively, economic scale, government policies support have more significant influence on firm's innovation. According to this conclusion, this paper presents relevant policy to step up the firm's technological innovation.%经济发展带来的环境污染问题越来越受到人们的关注,如何处理好环境规制与经济增长方式转变之间的关系成为学界研究的热点.关于企业创新与环境规制的问题,国内外学者一直存在不同见解.基于2001--2009年30个省市的数据,对我国企业技术进步与环境规制之间的关联进行了实证研究.结果表明,环境规制对企业技术进步的影响并不显著,相对而言,经济规模以及政府促进政策对企业技术进步的影响更显著.最后,提出了相应的政策建议.



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