首页> 中文期刊> 《科技进步与对策》 >基于科技进步的湖北省循环经济发展研究




The advance of science and technology accelerates the construction of industrial and agricultural recycling sys‐tem .It launches urban circular economy ,enhances circular service system and resource recycling system ,step up commer‐cialization of high and innovative technologies ,and strengthens regional circular economy .However there are also many troubles in the development of circular economy in Hubei .So some measures should be taken to improve the development of circular economy by using science and technology .It should reinforces basic scientific research ,improves level of circu‐lar technological innovation ,speeds up the construction of the system of circular technological innovation ,constructs diver‐sified multinational technology innovation alliance ,establishes evaluating index system ,intensify system of technological talents ,consummate investment mechanism of science and technology .%科技进步是湖北省循环型工农业体系建设的加速器和助推器。必须依靠科技进步,优化湖北循环型服务业体系,推进高新技术产业化,完善资源回收体系建设,使区域循环经济发展强劲。但在当前,湖北循环经济的发展面临一定的障碍,需要加强基础科学研究,提高循环经济型技术创新溢出水平,加快循环经济技术创新体系建设,构建多样化跨国技术创新联盟;建立科学公正的评价指标体系,加强循环经济科技人才队伍建设,完善循环经济科技投入机制,依托科技进步推动循环经济发展。



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