首页> 中文期刊> 《科学技术与工程》 >磁流体中永磁悬浮磁场解析模型试验验证




Magnet can self-levitate in magnetic fluid. Exact data of self-levitation is the key of validating theoretical model and achieving controllable levitation by getparms magnetic force. The magnetic field distribution is unique existence. The levitating magnets position model Hz can derive from the field intensity model in magnetic fluid field Hf. The Hz and magnet displacement r have the relation of one-to-one correspondence,which can be adopted to locate the magnet position in magnetic fluid. The relation of levitation position and magnetic field distribution is pointwise calibrated in holl detection test to verify the theoretical model r-Hz. The results show that the test data and theoretical curve match perfectly. the self-levitation height,43.13±0.05 mm,is acquired by test equipment. Comparing to the theoretical result 43.34 mm,it can draw a conclusion that the levitating magnets position model Hz is correct and effective in levitation height prediction.%永磁体在磁流体中能够自悬浮,准确获取悬浮位置信息是验证理论模型、调节各种影响磁场力的参数以实现悬浮位置可控的关键.磁场分布具有唯一性原理,通过磁场分布模型计算推导,可以得出永磁体悬浮位置模型HZ.该模型与永磁体位移r具有唯一对应关系.利用这种对应关系即可对磁流体中的永磁体进行定位.采用霍尔检测方法逐点测量磁场与永磁体位置之间关系,验证解析模型.结果表明试验与理论曲线匹配度好.在试验中测量得到悬浮位置为43.13±0.05 mm,与根据模型计算结果43.34 mm非常吻合,证明永磁体悬浮位置模型应用于悬浮高度预测中是正确有效的.



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