首页> 中文期刊>科学技术与工程 >一种新的多准则分类方法及其在电能质量综合评估中的应用




针对电网中不同监测点电能质量的综合评估问题,在传统的UTADIS(utility additives discriminates)方法基础上,提出了一种UTADIS-like方法.该方法将等级界限看作是各指标效用的分段节点,利用决策人或专家已有的经验信息,建立了一个线性规划模型,计算出不同节点的效用值;进而对待评监测点进行分类评级.最后,将该方法应用到含有9个重要指标的电能质量综合评估问题中,对几个监测点的电能质量进行综合评级.结果表明,该方法能有效地评估电能质量的等级,具有一定的可行性.%A novel method is provided to evaluate the quality of different observation points in the electric power grid,which is called the UTADIS-Iike method.In this approach,the grade thresholds are considered as nodes under different criteria,and the experience of decision maker is fully used to establish a linear programming.The utility values of different nodes are obtained and then the observation points are assigned into different classification.Finally,the method is applied to the synthetic evaluation of power quality problem containing 9 important criteria,and several observation points of power quality are comprehensive evaluated.The results show that our method can effectively evaluate the level of power quality.



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