首页> 中文期刊>科学技术与工程 >非隔震结构嵌固位置对基础隔震结构水平向减震系数的影响




对比分析了非隔震结构直接嵌固,及设置与隔震结构隔震层高度相同的框架柱两种做法对水平向减震系数计算结果的影响;同时探讨了随隔震层高度及结构层数变化、水平向减震系数的变化规律.结果表明:与直接将非隔震结构嵌固在基础的做法相比,采用在上部结构下设置框架柱的做法得到的水平向减震系数均偏大,按此做法得到的减震系数结果设计上部结构将偏于安全.随隔震层高度的增加,此做法所得减震系数结果小幅增大.随结构层数的增加,两种做法所得水平向减震系数逐渐接近于相等.在隔震设计时,对于中低层建筑,建议采用下设同高框架柱的方法;对于高层建筑,两种方法均可采用,该结果可供相关设计和研究人员进行隔震设计时参考使用.%The influences of two kinds of non-isolated structure methods on the horizontal damping coefficient were compared. The changing rules of the damping coefficient were studied as the height of isolated layer and the structural stories increasing respectively. The results indicate that compared with the method of directly fixed the su-perstructure into the basement, the method of setting frame column under the superstructure acquires the larger damping coefficient,it's more safety to design the superstructure by this method. With the increasing of the height of isolated layer,the damping coefficient increased slightly. With the increasing of structural stories, the damping coefficient which calculated by these two methods gradually tending to be equaled. The results can provide refer-ence for isolated design.



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