首页> 中文期刊> 《中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学(英文版)》 >The kink-soliton and antikink-soliton in quasi-one-dimensional nonlinear monoatomic lattice

The kink-soliton and antikink-soliton in quasi-one-dimensional nonlinear monoatomic lattice



The quasi-one-dimensional nonlinear monoatomic lattice is analyzed. The kink-soliton and antikink-soliton are presented. When the interaction of the lattice is strong in the x-direction and weak in the y-direction, the two-dimensional (2D) lattice changes to a quasi-one-dimensional lattice. Taking nearest-neighbor interaction into account, the vibration equation can be transformed into the KPI, KPII and MKP equation. Considering the cubic nonlinear potential of the vibration in the lattice, the kink-soliton solution is presented. Considering the quartic nonlinear potential and the cubic interaction potential, the kink-soliton and antikink-soliton solutions are presented.




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