首页> 中文期刊> 《盐业史研究》 >再论清代徽州盐商与淮安河下之盛衰--以《淮安萧湖游览记图考》为中心




Based on Drawings of A Trip to Huai’an Xiao Lake by Chen Zhong (or Chen Xiufeng), this paper explores the relationship between Huizhou salt merchants and the evolution of Hexia from prosperity to decline, and puts forth that in the early Qing, merchants of Huizhou spared no effort to create a new image of “pursuing fortune and supporting Confucianism” and “being rich and courteous” in the colony. They widely publicized the stories of “kind-hearted beggar”, “righteous woman” and “chastity” by building temples and steles, which were later transformed into the places of interests. They also publicized these stories through operas in Huai’an. Huai’an was the transportation hub of the north and the south, and near Qingjiangpu, the location of Nanhe governor. There chaste operas were played;good deeds were recorded in moral books and advocated by influential officials and famous scholars, so as to effectively spread these stories far and wide. Thus, their new image in the prosperous period of Qing Dynasty was established. Additionally, this paper analyzes two Huizhou merchants with the same name, Chen Zhong (one was also known as Chen Jiaying, the other was Chen Xiufeng), and reveals that some poetries in Drawings of A Trip to Huai’an Xiao Lake obviously reminisced about the fading prosperity of Qing, while most of the words depicted the reality, the decline after flourishing.%本文利用程钟(字袖峰)所撰《淮安萧湖游览记图考》,对清代徽州盐商与淮安河下的盛衰递嬗作了新的探索,指出:清代前期,随着两淮盐业的兴盛,徽商在侨寓地殚精竭虑地营造“贾而好儒”“富而好礼”的崭新形象。他们在淮安,极力揄扬“义丐”“烈女”和“义贞”等种种事迹,并纷纷建祠立碑,将这些事迹转化为侨寓地的名胜。此外,徽商还通过戏剧等形式广为宣传。淮安地处南北要冲,与南河总督所在的清江浦毗邻,以义贞故事为中心的戏曲之演出,以及将积德行善之故事载入善书,经由过往的名公巨卿、耆儒硕彦之揄扬,得以传播四方,深入人心,从而塑造出盛清时代徽商的新形象。本文还辨析了淮安历史上同名为程钟的两位徽商(一字葭应,一字袖峰),指出:《淮安萧湖游览记图考》保存的盛清时代的几首诗文,显然是对消逝的繁华旧事之追忆,而更多的文字则是对盛极而衰的现实之描摹。



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