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Limited Heredity Diversity of the Critically Endangered Guizhou Golden Monkeys


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Guizhou golden monkey(Rhinopithecus brelichi)was a unique,endangered and endemic primate species in Guizhou Province.It was an isolated population caused by habitat loss and fragmentation due to the human disturbance in the recently 30 years in China,only distributed in Fanjingshan National Natural Reserve,Guizhou Province.To know the background with demonic population structure,we sequenced 867 bp of the mitochondrial DNA D-loop from 312 fresh fecal samples,results showed there 11 haplotypes among these samples,h was 0.517,πwas 0.00413.It indicated that this species had the lowest genetic diversity among four golden monkeys in China and need strengthen the conversation concern for this species immediately.
机译:贵州金猴(Rhinopithecus Brelichi)是贵州省的独特濒危和流行的灵长类动物。是由于中国最近30年来的人类障碍导致的栖息地损失和碎片造成的孤立人口,只分布在范京山国家自然贵州省储备。要知道用恶魔群结构的背景,我们从312个新鲜粪便样品中测序了867bp的线粒体DNA D环,结果显示了这些样品中的11个单倍型,H为0.517,πwas0.00413。表示该物种在中国的四个金猴中具有最低的遗传多样性,并立即加强对谈话的关注。




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