首页> 中文期刊> 《可再生能源》 >规模化养殖场沼气工程温室气体减排选址优化模型研究




Renewable energy is needed to develop- for the serious energy situation and the increasing pressure on ecological environment. Building biogas power engineering in large-scale farms could not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions on farms, but also make a contribution to e-mission reduction on electric power enterprises. According to the present situation and characteristics of methane generation, this paper established an optimization model about greenhouse gas e-mission reduction on large-scale farms, by using integer programming method, and combined with the greenhouse gases estimation methodology and the default value provided by IPCC. The optimization objective is the carbon dioxide equivalent of greenhouse gas emission reduction in biogas power generation on large-scale farms. The case analysis show that the results produced by model reduced greenhouse gas emissions of 2.0xl010 tons carbon dioxide equivalent compared with the o-riginal scheme.%我国严峻的能源现状和不断加大的生态环境压力亟需大力开发可再生能源.在规模化养殖场建沼气发电工程,不仅能减少养殖场温室气体的排放,还对电力企业的减排做出了贡献.根据沼气发电的现状和特点,运用整数规划求解方法,结合联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会提供的温室气体估算方法学及缺省值,以规模化养殖场沼气发电工程减排温室气体的二氧化碳当量为优化目标,建立规模化养殖场温室气体减排选址优化模型.案例分析表明:优化后,项目比原方案每年多减排温室气体2.0×1010t二氧化碳当量.



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