首页> 中文期刊> 《无线电通信技术》 >基于IOCP模型的多仪器数据采集与控制系统




To meet the requirement of different types of instruments for centralized monitoring,and considering the great amount of instrument connections,frequent data communication and high demands on real⁃time,a design method,which takes the IOCP network model as the core and combines Windows multi⁃thread and database programming technology, is proposed in this paper to realize a multi⁃instrument control system. The principle of IOCP and the control system structure are presented first, then the key problems encountered during system design and implementation and their solutions are described and discussed.Finally the validity of the method is verified by network communication test by using embedded system based on STM32 with Low Weight Internet Protocol (LwIP).%为满足工业现场中对多种不同类型的仪器进行集中监控的要求,并且针对仪器连接数量大、数据通信频繁和实时性要求高等特点,提出了以IOCP ( I/O完成端口)网络模型为核心结合了Windows多线程,数据库编程等技术实现的局域网多智能仪表控制系统。首先介绍了控制系统的总体结构以及IOCP 模型工作原理,描述并分析了该系统在设计和实现过程遇到的关键问题和解决方案,最后通过移植LwIP 轻量级网络协议栈的STM 32单片机作为下位机进行网络通信测试,验证了该方案的可行性。



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