首页> 中文期刊> 《防护林科技》 >露天矿排矸堆土场自然植被演替规律及立地质量评价




通过对不同的排矸年限矸石山的植被调查,结果显示:Ⅰ类排土场,随着排土年限增加,出现了多种植被群落,该生境的适生植物种类较多,具备了进行人工植被恢复的良好条件;Ⅱ类排土场,从群落外貌看,形成了明显的复层结构,群落的形成使排土场生境条件进一步改善,可进行人工复垦造林;Ⅲ类排土场仍处于演替的初级阶段,已初步具备耐旱乔木树种生长的条件;Ⅳ类排土场无植被分布,不适宜人工复垦造林,需经过多年的风化或人工促进风化进一步改善生态环境。%Vegetation of waste dump with different years of waste rock discharging was investigated.Result shows that:multiple vegetation communities appear in classⅠDump with increased age;the habitat have many species suit-able plants,which have a good condition of the artificial vegetation recovery;classⅡdump,from the appearance of the community,distinct stratified structure was formed composite layer structure.The formation of the dump fur-ther improves habitat conditions,and artificial reclamation afforestation can be conducted;class Ⅲ dump is still at an early stage of succession and has growth conditions for drought-tolerant tree species;class Ⅳ dump has no vegetation distribution and unfits artificial reclamation afforestation,it requires years of weathering or artificial weathering to promote further the ecological environment.



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