首页> 中文期刊> 《现代生物医学进展》 >去细胞牛颈静脉构建组织工程右心带瓣管道体内实验初步研究




Objective: To implant bovine jugular vein conduit containing living autologous cells into the canine pulmonary artery and to observe the influence in vivo environment. Methods: Tissue-engineered right ventricular valved conduit was constructed in vitro using the decellularized bovine jugular vein as the scaffolds, the canine bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells as the seeded cells. These patch were implanted into 10 canine pulmonary artery and explanted by 4, 8, 12 weeks interval respectively to observe their morphologic and histologic changes. Results: The pulmonary artery with patch were patent with no narrowing, without thrombus organization. The surface of leaflet was partially covered with seeded cells.Conclusions: Labeled BMSCs can be planted on dcellularized BJV to reconstruction tissue-engineered right ventricular valved conduit.%目的:将体外构建的组织工程右心带瓣管道,以带瓣补片的形式移植于犬主肺动脉,观测带瓣管道材料体内情况.方法:去细胞处理牛颈静脉体,无菌处理后种植标记过的犬骨髓间质干细胞,构建组织工程带瓣管道,犬开胸手术,将体外构建的组织工程右心带瓣管道,以带瓣补片的形式移植于犬主肺动脉,术后4、8、12行胸部B超检查;取出补片,HE染色;荧光显微镜下标记细胞检测;样本钙含量测定.结果:术后犬胸部B超观察:瓣叶无增厚,钙化,管道血流通畅,无血栓及钙化.术后4、8、12周除了瓣叶逐渐缩小外,补片无动脉瘤形成,瓣膜表面光滑,无血栓形成,弹性良好,血管壁内面光滑,无血栓形成.种植种子细胞牛颈静脉带瓣补片成活.4周钙含量增加,8周时候,钙含量又有增加,12周时钙含量与8周相比无明显变化.结论:组织工程技术构建组织工程右心带瓣管道有可行之处.



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