首页> 中文期刊> 《电力系统保护与控制》 >断路器失灵时站内保护解决方案综述




This paper summarizes main protection's action and tripping object after action when bus fault or line fault or transformer fault occurs in 500 kV voltage side or 220 kV voltage side or 35 kV voltage side of 500 kV substation. Aiming at breaker failure, the paper offers the scheme of failure protection as the nearby backup protection. On the basis of the scheme, it brings out the remote back-up relay's action when nearby backup failure occurs and the assorting relationship among protections. It details the way of starting nearby backup and remote backup when breaker failure occurs. Aiming at line-protection's transferred tripping, starting breaker failure of bus protection and transformer's synchronism tripping or delay tripping, the paper comprehensively discusses their principles and practical way. Dead zone protection and charge protection of bus tie breaker are discussed, too.%论述了500kV变电站的500 kV侧、220 kV侧和35 kV侧系统中的母线、线路、变压器等各个位置发生故障时主保护的动作方案及动作后的跳闸对象.对于主保护动作后跳开故障点附近的断路器而断路器失灵未正确跳开的情况,给出了变电站范围内失灵保护作为近后备保护的动作方案,并在此基础上分析了近后备也失灵时远后备保护的动作情况及保护间的逐级配合关系.详细阐述了断路器失灵时启动近后备或者远后备保护的具体实现方式,对于断路器失灵时线路保护的远传、启动母差的断路器失灵保护、母差故障时跳主变单元的失灵直跳和联跳的原理及实际做法给予了充分论述.对于母联断路器的死区保护、充电保护也分别从原理和实现两方面进行了论述.



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