首页> 中文期刊> 《电力系统保护与控制》 >向上±800kV特高压直流输电工程的直流保护闭锁策略




This paper comprehensively introduces and summarizes the converter valve block strategy of the DC protection based on Xiangjiaba-Shanghai ±800 kV UHVDC project. In order to obtain more smooth and fast or more secure stop effect when relevant fault has been detected, the converter need to be removed and isolated as soon as possible to prevent the further breakdown and reduce the impact on the device and power grid. in this project, the different fault conditions are tested and simulated on site, the primary device is effectively protected through phase-shift, temporary stop, block, etc. According to the different combinations and delay of these fault clearing actions, the DC protection block are divided into four categories.%就向家坝至上海±800 kV特高压直流工程直流保护功能中的阀闭锁策略做了全面说明和总结.在检测到相关故障的情况下,为了获得更平滑快速或者更安全的停运效果,需要尽快的切除并隔离换流单元,防止故障的进一步扩大,以减轻对设备和电网的冲击.工程中现场试验模拟了各种故障情况,通过移相、暂停、闭锁等手段有效地保护了换流阀等一次设备.根据故障清除动作的不同组合和不同延时,可以把直流保护闭锁分成四种不同的闭锁类型.



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