首页> 中文期刊> 《电力系统保护与控制》 >计及站内接线的电网可靠性评估的蒙特卡罗方法




提出广义电网(将输电线路、变压器等有阻抗元件和断路器、隔离开关等无阻抗元件一体化考虑)可靠性分析的蒙特卡罗模拟方法.首先通过厂站拓扑分析,得到等值节点及与有阻抗元件的连通性,然后,再进行网络拓扑分析,获得等值电网计算模型,由此计算并统计系统可靠性测度指标.在广义电网模拟过程中,提出依据邻接矩阵传递闭包阵不变思想的快速局部拓扑技术,以减少计算量.RBTS 6节点算例分析表明,该研究更加符合实际.%This paper presents a Monte Carlo simulation method for reliability analysis of generalized power network which integrates impedance components, such as transmission lines and transformers, and non-impedance components, such as breakers and switches. First, topology analysis for sub station is carried out to get equivalent nodes and the connectedness between these nodes and impedance components. Second, system topology analysis is made to get the equivalent network which is used to calculate the measure indicatrix on reliability of power network. During the simulation procedure for generalized power network, a quick local topology analysis technology based on the idea of same transitive closure of incidence matrix is proposed to save computation resources. Test on RBTS-Bus 6 system shows that the proposed method is more practical.



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