首页> 中文期刊> 《电力系统保护与控制》 >含高渗透率风电的孤网频率动态特性研究




大规模风电集中并网后,风电近区系统的频率动态稳定性将面临严峻挑战。以实际电网为例,以现有频率保护配置方案为基础,仿真模拟了风电近区电网孤网运行时风电机组、常规机组、核电机组高频保护装置的动作情况。分析了各类机组在暂态过程中的差异,深入研究了近区孤网的频率动态特性,并提出了适用于风核联合运行工况下的孤网高频保护优化配置方案。该研究成果对大规模风电集中并网近区各类机组频率保护定值的整定具有重要的参考价值。%After the centralized integration of large-scale wind farms, the frequency dynamic stability of the network nearby will face serious challenges. Based on the existing frequency protection scheme, high-frequency protection equipment action sequence of wind turbines, conventional units and nuclear power plants is simulated for the network near wind farms in isolated operation in actual power grid. The differences between various types of units in the transient process are analyzed, frequency dynamic characteristics of the isolated regional network are studied, and the optimal allocation of high-frequency protection of the isolated network is proposed which is suitable for operating conditions combined with wind and nuclear power. The result is beneficial for protective set value adjustment after the centralized integration of large-scale wind farms.



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