首页> 中文期刊>电力系统保护与控制 >一种改进型粒子群优化算法在电力系统经济负荷分配中的应用




针对机组数不同的电力系统设计优化方案,提出将基于有效群体利用策略的粒子群算法应用到经济负荷分配问题的解决中。该改进算法通过有效改变粒子数目,并改进了速度位移方程,加快了算法的收敛速度,同时提高其收敛精度。为验证该算法的有效性,针对机组数不同的电力系统经济负荷分配进行了测试,并与其他优化算法进行了比对测试。结果证明了该算法可高效准确地找到最优解,有效避免了陷入局部最优的问题,并保证了较快的运行速度。%The efficient population utilization strategy for particle swarm optimization (EPUSPSO) is proposed to solve the economic load dispatch (ELD) problem of power system with different units. This algorithm improves the accuracy and the speed of its convergence by changing the number of particles effectively and improving the velocity and position equation. To verify the effectiveness of the algorithm, this algorithm is tested in the ELD case of power system with different units, and the obtained results are compared with those obtained from other algorithms. The compared results show that the algorithm can find the optimal solution effectively and accurately, avoid falling into the local optimal problem; meanwhile, faster speed can be ensured in the case.



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