首页> 中文期刊>电力需求侧管理 >时空尺度精细化对可中断负荷优化调度方案的影响研究




需求响应是中国现阶段缓解电力供应紧张局面的有效手段。在分析现有的大工业负荷参与的可中断负荷调度优化模型的基础上,通过算例揭示了现有调度方案可能存在的容量富余问题,研究了可中断负荷容量精细化和中断持续时间精细化对可中断负荷调度方案的影响,讨论了时空尺度精细化实施的可行性,提出一种精细的大工业负荷参与可中断负荷调度的优化模型。算例结果表明,精细化模型能充分利用大用户负荷在时空尺度上的特性,在保证用电高峰期削减负荷需求得到满足的同时,解决了现有调度方案可能存在的容量富余问题,优化了调度结果,降低了中断补偿成本,提高了用户满意度。%Demand response is one of the effective measures to deal with the shortage of electric power in China.The optimal dis⁃patching model for big industrial loads to be the interruptible loads is developed. A case study is based on this model reveals the possi⁃bility of capacity surplus. Impacts of refining the capacity of inter⁃ruptible loads and the interruption duration on the dispatching scheme are researched and the technical practicability of the two refinements is discussed. Considering the two refinements,an im⁃proved optimal dispatching model is developed,and case study shows that the refining model fully makes use of the industrial load’s characteristics in time and spatial domains,and can lessen the capacity surplus on the premise of scarifying the requirement of cutting down the peak load demand,which reduces the interrup⁃tion compensation cost and enhances the customers’degree of sat⁃isfaction.



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