首页> 中文期刊> 《大众科技》 >DTN 中基于节点偏好地点的路由

DTN 中基于节点偏好地点的路由



With the development of science and technology, there are some people the environment cannot use the TCP/IP protocol for network communication, such as the battlefield wireless network, because the receiving data device or send data in these environments equipment, is constantly moving, and receiving device and transmitting device is not prepared to intermediate device fixed between connected, makes the the entire network data transmission may occur in high latency, data long hair does not go out, so they propose a new network called the delay tolerant network (DTN). As a member of society will appear frequently in some locations, it also makes people carry mobile devices appear frequently in some locations, This paper define the place preference for location.%随着科技的发展,目前有一些环境人们不能使用TCP/IP协议进行网络通信,比如战场上无线网络等,因为在这些环境下接收数据的设备或发送数据的设备,是不断的移动中,而且接收设备和发送设备之间没有固定的中间设备来相连,使得在整个网络数据传输中会出现高的延迟,数据长时间发不出去,于是人们提出了一种新型网络叫延迟容忍网络(DTN)。人作为社会的一份子会在某些地点频繁出现,这也使得人随身带的移动设备在某些地点频繁出现,文章定义这些地点为偏好地点。



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