首页> 中文期刊> 《等离子体科学和技术:英文版》 >Measurement of Neutron Flux at the Initial Phase of Discharge in EAST

Measurement of Neutron Flux at the Initial Phase of Discharge in EAST



Neutron emission in EAST was investigated by a time-resolved monitor systemwhich consists of four 3He proportional counters and a 235U fission chamber. The D-D neutron fluxincreased approximately an order of magnitude during the 27 MHz ion-cyclotron radio frequency(ICRF) heating, demonstrating that the ICRF wave heated the plasma effectively. In additionin lower hybrid wave (LHW) experiment with higher plasma parameters D-D neutrons were alsodetected. However, masses of photoneutrons were generated in Ohmic discharges with low plasmadensity. Effect of plasma density on the production of photoneutrons was studied, and it is foundthat LHW can suppress the generation of the runaway electrons and reduce the share of thephotoneutrons effectively.




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