首页> 中文期刊>植物保护 >我国农业害虫性诱监测技术的开发和应用




通过多年的实验室研究,结合从2009年开始的多地、多作物、多年田间试验示范,集中研究了与重要农业害虫性诱监测密切相关的性信息素配比和剂量、种专一性、微量组分、缓释、诱捕器结构及其应用技术,解决了性信息素种间细微差别、种内地理区系差异、信息素化合物的纯化以及稳定保护和缓慢均匀释放等影响测报精准度的关键问题,开发了适应昆虫飞行行为、利于捕获收集的系列诱捕器,配合组装了成套的田间应用技术,开发了性诱自动计数系统,简化了害虫诱获鉴定操作,促进了虫情自动化记载传递,丰富了弱光性害虫监测手段,从而在一定程度上实现了害虫监测预警轻简化、标准化、自动化。分析提出为促进性诱监测技术的发展,要建立性诱监测技术的科学评价体系,并在迁飞性害虫、同种害虫的不同地理种群监测中开辟性诱技术应用的新领域。%Based on laboratory research achievements over the years,insect sex pheromones have been applied in crop pest investigation on various crops in multiple sites of China since 2009.In these in-door and out-door experi-ments,many essential biotic and abiotic factors related to practical technology of insect sex pheromone were stud-ied and improved,such as the ratio and dose of effective compounds,species specificity,minor components,con-trol of slow release,trap design and field application technologies.Thus,we resolved technical issues,which would affect trapping efficacy,including the optimization of pheromone formula among inter-species or geograph-ical populations,and the purification,stabilization and slow release of pheromone compounds.Furthermore,a se-ries of newly designed traps,practical field application techniques,and corresponding auto-counting systems were developed and integrated.All these achievements provide opportunities to simplify species identification,promote auto-recording and transmission of pest information,enrich monitoring methods on insect species less sensitive to lights,and eventually realize facilitation,standardization and automation of crop pest investigation to some ex-tent.Next,we should establish scientific assessment system,and explore new application field of sex pheromone in monitoring of migratory pests and different geographical populations in intra-species.



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