首页> 中文期刊> 《炼油技术与工程》 >独山子石化分公司氢网压力波动分析和改进措施




The hydrogen network in the Refinery of PetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical Company has a single control pressure. The hydrogen, which comes from old refinery, new refinery and ethylene plant fluctuates in pressure. The hydrogen demand varies a lot for different end users and there is no buffer for end user to compensate the fluctuation. The imported equipments have very tight interlock limitations. The current control strategy has not systematically considered all the variations. Therefore, venting to flare is the only way to balance the pressure swing, which results in tremendous economic losses. The causes of large pressure swing of hydrogen network are analyzed. Based on the analysis of reducing the hydrogen network pressure swing, improving the network tolerance and increasing the buffer of the whole system, an integrated solution is recommended in respect of process control, equipment and process operation. The solution will effectively improve the utilization of hydrogen and increase the economic benefit.%中国石油天然气股份有限公司独山子石化分公司炼油厂氢网构成复杂,供氧源分别来自炼油的新、老区和乙烯装置,且存在一定的波动;12套加氢装置用氢量差别比较大,又没有缓冲的余地;进口设备保护联锁苛刻,控制方案上缺少全公司范围的统筹考虑,所以只能通过放火炬来平衡氢网的压力波动,导致经济损失较大.分析了氢网波动大的原因,从减小氢网压力波动、提高氢网耐受区间和增大缓冲余地三个方面进行分析论证,提出从控制、设备和工艺三个方面减少火炬排放的改进措施和方案.结果表明:该方法可以有效的提高氢气的利用率和经济效益.



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