首页> 中文期刊> 《油气地质与采收率》 >水平井变密度射孔调剖方法




产液剖面不均衡是水平井开发过程中亟待解决的问题.基于源函数法和势的叠加原理,根据油藏—井筒耦合关系,建立了均质各向异性盒式油藏水平井产液剖面的计算模型及方法.在储层均衡开采的情况下,水平井生产段跟端和趾端流量高,中间流量低,产液剖面呈对称的U型.在实际笼统射孔条件下,受井筒内压力损失影响,生产段跟端流量高,趾端流量低;孔密或孔深越大,产液剖面的均衡性越差.以储层均衡开采为目标,提出了均质各向异性盒式油藏水平井变密度射孔调剖方法.采用该方法对水平井孔密分布进行优化后,孔密从生产段趾端到跟端逐渐下降;趾端孔密越高,跟端孔密的降幅越大.与笼统射孔相比,变密度射孔可明显改善水平井产液剖面的均衡性;孔密越大,变密度射孔的调剖效果越理想.%The profile imbalance is an important problem demanding prompt solution during the production of horizontal wells. Based on source function method and superposition principles, a profile modei foi horizontal wells m anisotropic box-shaped reservoirs is presented according to the coupling between reservoir flow and wellbore flow. Under uniform recovery, the inflow rates at the two ends of the horizontal well are higher than that in the middle. The ideal profile exhibits U-shaped distribution. Under uniform perforation, the inflow rate at the heel is higher than that at the toe due to the pressure drop in the wellhoxe. The profile imbalance increases with the increase of perforation density and depth. A profile control method for horizontal wells is developed with the aim of uniform recovery. This method is characterized by simplicity, efficiency, and can be applied to anisotropic box-shaped reservoirs. Uniform recovery requires that the perforation density decreases step by step from the toe to the heel. The higher the perforation density at the toe, the bigger the decrease of perforation density at the heel, and the better the performance of profile control.



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