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Assessing nest attentiveness of Common Terns via video cameras and temperature loggers


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Background:While nest attentiveness plays a critical role in the reproductive success of avian species,nest attentiveness data with high temporal resolution is not available for many species.However,improvements in both video monitoring and temperature logging devices present an opportunity to increase our understanding of this aspect of avian behavior.Methods:To investigate nest attentiveness behaviors and evaluate these technologies,we monitored 13 nests across two Common Tern(Sterna hirundo)breeding colonies with a paired video camera-temperature logger approach,while monitoring 63 additional nests with temperature loggers alone.Observations occurred from May to August of 2017 on Poplar(Chesapeake Bay,Maryland,USA)and Skimmer Islands(Isle of Wight Bay,Maryland,USA).We examined data respective to four times of day:Morning(civil dawn‒11:59),Peak(12:00‒16:00),Cooling(16:01‒civil dusk),and Night(civil dusk‒civil dawn).Results:While successful nests had mostly short duration off-bouts and maintained consistent nest attentiveness throughout the day,failed nests had dramatic reductions in nest attentiveness during the Cooling and Night periods(p<0.05)with one colony experiencing repeated nocturnal abandonment due to predation pressure from a Great Horned Owl(Bubo virginianus).Incubation appeared to ameliorate ambient temperatures during Night,as nests were significantly warmer during Night when birds were on versus off the nest(p<0.05).Meanwhile,off-bouts during the Peak period occurred during higher ambient temperatures,perhaps due to adults leaving the nest during the hottest periods to perform belly soaking.Unfortunately,temperature logger data alone had limited ability to predict nest attentiveness status during shorter bouts,with results highly dependent on time of day and bout duration.While our methods did not affect hatching success(p>0.05),video-monitored nests did have significantly lower clutch sizes(p<0.05).Conclusions:The paired use of iButtons and video cameras enabled a detailed description of the incubation behavior of COTE.However,while promising for future research,the logistical and potential biological complications involved in the use of these methods suggest that careful planning is needed before these devices are utilized to ensure data is collected in a safe and successful manner.
机译:背景:虽然巢闭度在禽类种类的生殖成功中发挥着关键作用,但对于许多物种来说,巢的注意力数据不适用于许多物种。然而,视频监控和温度测井设备的改进都有机会增加我们的理解Avian行为的这个方面。独自一人出发于2017年5月到2017年8月在杨树(切萨皮克湾,马里兰州,美国)和Skimmer群岛(Wight Bay,Mareland,USA的岛)。我们检查了四次的数据:早上(民间黎明-11 :59),峰值(12:00-16:00),冷却(16:01-民用黄昏),和夜间(民间黄昏 - 民事黎明)。结果:虽然成功的巢穴大多是短暂的持续时间D在整天保持一致的巢小心灵,失败的巢穴在冷却和夜间(P <0.05)期间,巢闭度剧烈减少(P <0.05),其中一个殖民地因来自大角猫头鹰(Bubo Virginianus)的捕食压力而受到反复的夜间遗弃。incubation在夜间似乎可以改善环境温度,因为鸟类在鸟类与巢中相比(P <0.05)相比,巢穴在夜间较高(P <0.05)时,峰值期间发生在峰值期间发生的偏离,也许由于成年人离开了在最热门的时期筑巢,以执行腹部浸泡。不幸的是,单独的温度记录器数据能够在更短的比赛期间预测巢细小性状态的能力有限,结果高度依赖于一天中的时间和持续时间。我们的方法不影响孵化成功(p > 0.05),视频监控巢具有显着降低的离合器尺寸(P <0.05)。CONCLUSIONS:IBUTTONS和视频CA的配对使用Meras使COTE的孵化行为进行了详细描述。但是,在未来的研究中承诺,涉及使用这些方法的后勤和潜在的生物并发症表明,在使用这些设备以确保收集数据之前需要仔细规划一种安全和成功的方式。




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