首页> 中文期刊> 《光学精密工程》 >基于自锁原理的磁悬浮飞轮电磁锁紧机构




It is necessary to develop a locking device for the magnetic suspended flywheel in a satellite launching.In this paper,a repeatahle electromagnetic locking and unlocking device with a mass of 158 g and a dimension of 45 mm×49 mm×40 mm was designed for a magnetic suspended flywheel.The composition and working principles of the locking device were introduced and the mathematical models for,locking and unlocking were established.Then,several kinds of tests,the sine vibration,random vibration and impact vibration were carried out to verify the locking device in ground and space environments,and the curves of the locking force versus displacement and the unlocking force versus displacement were given.Experimental results indicate that the max locking force is 650 N and the holding locking and unlocking forces are 133.8 N and-9.4 N,respectively,which shows the gravitation has a little effect on the locking device and it can realize locking and unlocking effectively.%为满足空间用磁悬浮飞轮在发射过程的性能需求,提出了一种基于机构自锁原理的可重复电磁锁紧机构.针对磁悬浮飞轮设计了质量为158 g的锁紧/解锁机构,尺寸为45 mm×49 mm×40 mm.给出了锁紧/解锁机构的组成和工作原理,建立了锁紧/解锁机构的数学模型.针对地面和空间两种环境,分析了机构在锁紧和解锁过程中锁紧力和解锁力的变化曲线,并根据某型卫星发射过程中的正弦振动、随机振动和冲击力学试验验证了锁紧机构.结果表明,该机构最大锁紧力为650 N,保持锁紧和解锁状态的力分别为133.8 N和-9.4 N,可有效实现锁紧和解锁功能,重力对锁紧机构的性能影响很小,从而为磁悬浮飞轮的空间应用奠定了技术基础.



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