首页> 中文期刊> 《石油矿场机械》 >水气交替注入工艺研究及在渤海油田应用




In order to reduce the current Bohai oilfield waste outlet to achieve emission reduction targets,and to take effective measures for the rational use of natural gas to improve oil recovery remaining development effect of Suizhong 36-1 oilfield,technology research programs for reinjec-tion remaining produced gas were set up.WAG process water column can be achieved within the same sand alternating segments,multi-media injection gas injection and water vapor in the sand of different segments of the anti-stratified injection,so as to achieve a better effect of flooding.At the same time increasing the gas injection channel anti-back spit devices,to meet the requirements of large displacement injection premise,the production safety is ensured.The technology has been successful applied in Bohai Oilfield.%为了减少渤海油田采出气的浪费,实现节能减排目标,合理利用剩余采出天然气,改善油田开发效果,对绥中36-1油田回注剩余采出气工艺方案进行了研究。水气交替注入工艺管柱可以实现同一防砂段内交替注水、注气的多介质注入和在不同防砂段内的水气分层注入,从而达到更好的驱油效果。同时在注气通道增加了防返吐装置,在满足大排量注入要求的前提下,保证了生产安全。该工艺技术已在渤海油田取得成功应用。



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